Crafts for Special Education Students

Do you wish that you could have an easy go- to writing craft that works at your students individual level?

This year, I struggled with cute little writing crafts that my students could access independently. I was seeing so many cute writing ‘craftivities’ on Instagram that I knew would not serve my students!

I loved the idea of writing crafts because it really allows students to use arts and creativity and practice writing or reading comprehension skills.

The idea of monthly craftivities came into play because I was noticing that there was always another special day, or fun day (holiday, etc.) every single month. I found myself trying to source little activities like this all the time… no avail I may add  : )

crafts for special education

I decided on the various crafitivity themes based off of what was going on at school or the world, during different times of the year.

I quickly noticed that my students were really loving these and actually looked forward to them each month!

What’s fun is the fact that there is a visual along with the keyword and students can choose the words that relate to the craft month on their own. 

The goal in my class with my students is to BUILD independence!

These crafts for special education students is such a GREAT way to develop independence while having an absolute blast.

Here is the activities that I use every month. Of course you may change things up based on your own context and your own learners.

This works for us, and ensures that we are allowing student voice and diversity into our programming.

Most of my students are on the Autism Spectrum, as I teach in an Autism class so I made sure that we celebrated Autism Acceptance month in April with our Neurodiversity is cool month.

crafts for special education

Another thing that I really wanted to keep at the forefront during the creation of this program and activities is  diversity and representation.

Not only did I want to make sure I was representing people that my students would connect to, I wanted to represent as many different voices as possible.

The great thing about the program that I used to make this is that you can add a variety of people, colours, cultures to the people you choose. 

I am always extremely intentional about this, as I always wish to amplify voices. We should be teaching our students to do the same.

You could make these crafts on your own and adapt them to your context and students. It was a bit time consuming for me to do, however you can always source these visuals and make your own!

I do have a pre-made package that I created for under $5.00 that would give you all the year long crafts for you. I designed it to be a print and go situation, because I know how little time us teachers have!

special - olympics

At the end of the day, ensuring that we are working with student voice and doing our best to represent ALL students in our teaching practice should be what we always strive to do.

Are there other special days that can be included in this package? Absolutely! Remember, I created these activities to serve my students and the students of those who follow my Teachers Pay Teachers store. 


I am ALWAYS up for recommendations and changes.
I really try and be a life long learner, especially in the area of equity and diversity.

If you end up using this resource OR making your own, I’d love to see it in action!! Please reach out to me via my socials and let me know! I’d love to see what everyone is up to.

I promise there really is a human behind these typed words on this blog!

Yours in Education,
Fab @ Special Ed Advantage




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