Wrap Up the Year

I cannot believe we are heading to another school year end. It’s crazy to think that we had ANOTHER lock down in December during this school year. As I sit and write this post, we are in a post- mask society in school. It’s crazy to think those times were in the SAME school year. 

Our class staff, as well as the students seem so ready for a break, here comes summer ya’ll!!

As we head into the summer break, we have a few very intentional and specific things to wrap everything up and get ready for a smooth summer transition. 

I am teaching in the same class next year, so there is the added benefit of me NOT having to move rooms (thank goodness!!!). 

wrap up the year

Here are the tried and true things that we do EVERY school year to wrap up the year. I hope you had an amazing school year! Remember the best is ALWAYS yet to come. 

Now, let’s continue with our countdown.

1- The first thing that I do to wrap up the school year with my students is read A LOT of social narrative stories. These stories prepare students for the summer transition, and support them during the summer months. These narratives help students know what to expect for the summer, and what to expect for their fall school year going forward. 

wrap up the year

wrap up the year

2- The next thing that we do during the last week of school to prepare for a clean and organized ending, is just that…clean and organize!!! You would be surprised how cluttered and messy a classroom gets throughout the school year.

I’m the kind of organized that likes to organize things as we go and I STILL have a ton to clean at the end of a year.

I seriously thing through the things that I can give away, donate or throw away at the end of every year. I am the compete opposite of hoarder (I know, it’s weird for a teacher!!), so this skill sort of comes easily for me. I do know that there needs to be intentionality with this skill, though! Best of luck!

3- The third thing I do (that I usually forget, let’s be honest) is return my school keys. I have a pet peeve with this, especially since I’ll be in the same room next year- but I regress. Don’t forget to do this part, because you’ll no doubt get e-mail reminders if you do forget!! 

Our school gives us school and district specific check lists to complete during the last week, so I usually make time for this in the last few days of school.

I am blessed to work with two amazing paras (Educational Assistants), who always help me with the classroom tear down. They are angels, literally.

adapted year end

4- I always make time for fun year end activities to complete with my students. We always do awards, have time to sign autographs and complete activities that go along with the year end theme. 

This year we also did a tie dye party and bought all our students a Happy Meal (sponsor us, McD’s?!).
These are by no means necessary, but a nice way to build community and wrap up the year together. 


It’s amazing what a little community building can accomplish in a classroom environment.

 You can easily source your own packages for the last week of school, or use the ones I made here! It’s easier to print & go! Click here for the package.

Those are some of the key things that we do to end the school year. The end of the school year is usually a time of reflection. We think about what went well, what didn’t and how we can structure the next year to be the best yet! Over the summer months you can expect some self care and easy teacher PD blog posts. 

This is how to have a productive, yet relaxing summer. 

I hope you had the absolute best year yet, and that your next year is even better.

Yours in Education,

Fab @ Special Ed Advantage

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