Summer Homework

End of Year Homework Activity Pack

Every wonder why families ask for SUMMER HOMEWORK?? Are they trying to torture their child by doing summer homework? Or is there a reason for this common question….?

For my first few years of teaching, I would have parents message me or reach out to me about sending home homework for the summer. I always responded in the same way, “we want our students to be able to enjoy their summers!”. 

I would often feel guilty or bad that I was letting these few parents down with their request for more activities over the summer months. Though I now have learned the art of boundaries with families, it got me thinking about what my views actually were in terms of summer take home activity packages. 


Fast forward to YEARS later to when my friends all began having babies. What I keep hearing time and time again is that my friends wanted activities for their kids to keep them occupied for parts of the day in the summer! I feel them now…

Homework Package Picture


Homework Package Picture

That’s what brought me to create this end of year homework package that teachers can choose to send to parents. If you’re a teacher you can choose to send these packages home in a variety of ways. Here are my top ideas of how to do this.

1. Send home a package for every student

Maybe you are the teacher that wants to print a package for every student so that they are able to access the work very easily and quickly. To me, this is the most equitable because it ensures that students without a printer can still access the resources over the summer should they choose to do that.

2. Ask families to let you know if they want the package 

Sometimes families go away, or have other summer plans that will occupy their child’s time and KNOW they won’t be able to get any kind of homework activity package. This way ensures that we are saving on printing- I know some schools have limits on printing capabilities so this way may be a good idea to take which seems like a little bit of a middle ground to me! 

3. Email the PDF 

One way to REALLY save paper would be to send the PDF by emails to families, or post to your class Google Classroom in order to be REALLY ECO with this activity package. 

*You can make your own package, or you can buy mine for less than a coffee at this link here



I often tell families that DAILY READING is a GREAT way to keep the mind active in the summer. 


Honestly, nothing is better than REAL LIFE, REAL WORLD, hands on experiences. Whether that means going to the park and enjoying the sunshine, heading to the local poll or meeting up with some friends at the school playground- being outside as much as possible in the summer is what life’s all about


My grandparents lived in South America during my schooling experiences, and so I spent every summer in Venezuela. Talk about real world, hands-on learning! 


I am a huge proponent for balance and living a balanced life so I believe that students need a mix of academic practice, as well as fun hands-on experiences in all areas of their life.


DOING brings about better outcomes than just SEEING most of the time!

Homework Package Picture


Homework Picture Caption

Since I am a special education teacher at heart, every single thing I create for my classroom and other teachers have special education students in mind. This particular summer package is geared for Kinder -3rd Grade students as there are many different visuals that are targeted to this particular age level. There are DIFFERENTIATED activities that are scaffolded and build upon learning with students as the summer progresses.

Want More??

If you want to send more activities home, or on your Google Classroom check out these few blog posts for more ideas! 


Let’s Get Learning!


Earth Day Activities


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Yours in Special Education,

Fab @ Special Ed Advantage


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